Friday, May 30, 2008

Picture of the day!

I certified my backyard habitat and ordered some books last week. Cert number 103177.
Got my stuff from the National Wildlife Federation today. One of the books is even signed by David Mizejewski.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Picture of the day?!

Still fighting Alltel and my mobile account.

Here are a couple pictures. my house and car??

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Picture of the day!

Just before I got in the shower this morning, I noticed the ducks were back.

Picture of the day!

Alltel is messing with my phone. I think it may be because I am using to much of my unlimited data package. Here is a shot of a baby grackle that was hopping around our front yard.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Picture of the day!

Last night I recorded some footage inside and outside of a racecar. Here is my nickname (fudge) as the license plate on the 1k car.

Picture of the day!

Went to the cemetery and while we were there, a deer was running around. I tried to get a picture. Maybe you can see it maybe not.

Picture of the day!

This is my wife sitting in the stands at the races. I took the picture from the pits with my phone held up to my binoculars. She is the one with the tan blanket on her lap.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Picture of the day!

Looks like they are celebrating Memorial Day with a bunch of little flags.

Picture of the day!

Sorry i missed yesterday. Here is our little tomato garden.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Picture of the day!

Didn't see anything worth taking a picture of today, so here is a picture of the lunar eclipse from back in november.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Picture of the day!

Took this picture on the way home at lunch. The clouds were puffy.

Picture of the day!

I think I finally finished the planting for this year. Added another pear tree and a cranberry bush. Here are the pictures I took of them.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Picture of the day!

Planted a Red Prince Weigela. They are supposed to attract hummingbirds.
Shopko was out of dwarf pear trees, so no mate for my pear tree. They may get some more on the truck, wednesday. Otherwise, I will have to look elsewhere.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Picture of the day!

Here is a shot of the blossoms on the pear tree that we planted last year. I was told this weekend that pear trees need to be planted in twos. So we will have to find a mate for this one.

Picture of the day!

This one is a Purple Leaf Sandcherry.

Picture of the day!

And last but not least, a third Dwarf Burning Bush.

Picture of the day!

This is another Purple Leaf Sandcherry.

Picture of the day!

Sorry, I missed yesterday. I was planting bushes in the backyard. Here are the pictures. This one a Chinese Lilac.

Picture of the day!

This is another James MacFarlane Lilac.

Picture of the day!

This is a James MacFarlane Lilac.

Picture of the day!

This is the other dwarf burning bush.

Picture of the day!

This is one of the dwarf burning bushes.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Picture of the day!

This is the idiot that has to take two parking spots at work. The parking lot is barely big enough for all the cars in the first place.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Picture of the day!

Here is our cat Brandy. She follows me all around the house. So I had to build a perch above my chair. She naps up there all the time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Picture of the day2!

The mommy mallard showed up last night.

Picture of the day!

The mommy mallard showed up last night.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Update to picture of the day

I run a little web stuff on a p3 celeron. Its a slow computer, so try not to overload it.
Click on any of the Kameras and you can view a live picture. The page will automatic update every 30 seconds. At dawn or dusk the colors are extremely vibrant. After dark there is not alot to see, and during the day the colors wash out. I bought these kameras (ip9000a) from for about $80. They actually work pretty good. I just purchased 2 low lux ip9060a for night viewing. I hope to have them installed soon.

Picture of the day!

I finally got my netcams installed in the backyard. Here are the first pictures from Kamera 3 and 4. Kamera 3 seems to have a slight problem. I will give it overnight to see if it fixes itself. I will probably re-adjust where they are pointed, but they are ok for now.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Picture of the day!

Spent the last couple of days trying to do a wireless bridge for my netcams. Here is a picture from each of the two in the front of the house. They are working great, wirelessly.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Picture of the day!

I hate to make this about the bird in my backyard, but . . .
I was doin' yard work most of the day, since it was the first nice day in a week. As I was finishing up, I heard a low noise. In our backyard there are a lot of birds, at times it can be deafening. So I turn around and there is this Mallard, just a couple feet away, eating the dropped birdseed under the feeders. I started taking pictures and getting closer. I finally just left him alone and went about my business. He stayed there the whole time, and then I got real close and he flew away.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Picture of the day!

Woke up this morning to see a splash of orange. I grabbed a better set of binoculars. By setting the focus with them up to my eyes, and then holding them up against my phone, I can get a picture that is actually in focus. The oriole was a much brighter orange.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Picture of the day!

Tried something different. Held one side of a cheap pair of binoculars up to the camera on my phone. Check this out. The spring bird migration has begun. Finches, grossbeaks, tons of weird sparrows, orioles, and even a hummingbird. This is a goldfinch. Just a touch out of focus, but not bad?

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Picture of the day!

Took this picture this morning. It is of the tulips in the neighbors yard. Aren't they pretty.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Picture of the day?

This one is our cat, brandy, sitting in the front window.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Picture of the day?

Wouldn't it be nice if I could remember to take a picture of something in my life everyday and post it here. Well, here is a picure. Its is of a very tame sparrow that feeds off of our window feeder.